Friday, September 2, 2011


Do you like ironing? Well, I don’t, it is among one of the household chores that I dreaded so much. Taking into consideration that my husband is a six footer, and wearing everything XL, one can only imagine how big his pants and shirts are.

However, I have no choice I have to do all the ironing myself as sending them to the pressing place would cost a bomb here. Now ironing is becoming a more difficult chore because of my bad hand. I have tried many ironing aids to ease this task, but to no avail, until I stumbled upon a brand named PERLA. Whatever is written on the label of the bottle does not matter as I don’t understand them, so like blind mice, I sniff and I chew and therefore I try it. Walla …………………….. Perla is the answer to an easy ironing process.

But that does not mean that I am enjoying my ironing moment, Perla just makes it much more bearable to iron all of hubby’s shirts and pants to be so sleek and wrinkle free. I used to bury all my ironing at the far end of hubby’s closet, it was piling so high that in the end, I become too shy to even peek in the closet, and I was dressing him in his summer T’s to work only.

Well, not anymore now that the magic Perla has really done its work. Hubby walks tall and handsome to work every day.

Thank you to an accidental stumble of my first meeting with PERLA.

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