Monday, September 5, 2011

Oh What A Sunday?

 In the basket and ready to leave for our first invite (this is the Cod fish Moussaka)
 First layer of potatoes in for baking dish
 The second layer of aubergines
 For the Cod fish Moussaka, I had added a layer of Zuchini
 A layer of chopped Parsley
 The Cod fish sauce simmer to perfectness
 A layer of Parmesan Cheese
 Top with the ready Cod fish sauce
 The white sauce or Bechamel sauce
 Another layer of Parmesan Cheese
 The ready meat sauce
 A layer of fresh tomatoes
 Into the oven for 30 minutes
 The meat sauce ready for the white sauce 
 Ready for the oven
The ready product 

Oh what a Sunday this has been, I was still having problems sleeping because of the Cortisone shot.  I was up at 0200 am, when I actually plan to get up at 0600 am.  In the darkness I sat blinking and so alert and wondering what to do.  Counting the starts or the chequered design was not helping either.

The time was snail crawling and I managed to stay with my sanity till 0600 am and commence my Moussaka marathon. I love doing what I was doing, and it was a good therapy for my inability to sleep.

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