Saturday, September 10, 2011

Money Plant

For some reasons I love the money plant, this is because the large tantalizing dark heart shaped leaves are so easy to fall in love with. I actually first took notice of this plant when I saw how beautifully it was allowed to crawl and decorate a whole wall of a good friend’s house. It created a kind of natural art, and my friend ardently put supports so that the plants can crawl ever so freely.

I have tried planting this plant many a time, but as simple as everyone told me that this plant will grow, it always manage to kill itself in my house or in my office before. I simply don’t have a green hand, and I am also selfish enough not to allow anyone else to take care of the plant for me. Typical me!!!!

On one of my invites, I noticed that the host has got so many indoor plants and they were growing so well, among them I cannot help but notice a pot of shining, healthy dark green money plant, adorning her staircase. All I did was to tell her how much I love those money plant and how I have been begging hubby to cut a branch for me from his French tutor room, which he never did of course.

The host then told me, “I will give you a pot”, I was like ………………….. oh … so ….. so happy, but feeling shy at the same time to accept a whole pot from such a good host. I told her that, it was alright just give me a small piece of the branch and I will try to manage the growth. Not someone to take a No for an answer, she went to her patio and came back with a pot of money plant that sent my heart a flutter (yes, I am that simple to get flutters in my heart).

I remember reading somewhere about the common myth of the money plant; it was believed that if you take care of the plant very well, it will supposedly bring peace, luck as well as prosperity in your house. But most importantly to me, they are indoor plants that will provide the followings:

Good indoor air quality

Occupants will be living in a healthy environment

Occupants are less prone to diseases

Improved productivity and efficiency because of increased blood oxygen levels even after a strenuous eight-hour work.

Indoor plants not only produce oxygen but also reduce pollutants from the air.

The pot is currently hanging in front of my living hall window, I am planning to get a bigger pot and put them in one corner, so that it could crawl happily one of the walls. I am not going to touch the plant at all; hubby will be given the privilege of replanting and taking care of the plant. I will just talk and smile to the plant on a daily basis.

Hoping that it will love the sound of my voice, and grow to be the pride of my living hall.

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