Thursday, September 8, 2011

Do You Believe In The Power Of Prayer?

Me: Honey, do you believe in the power of prayers?

Hubby: No, our life is fated, and we cannot change the destiny of our fate

Me: I know, but we can pray to Him and He will grant us our prayers if we pray hard enough

Me: I can tell you that there were a lot of times that I pray and talk to the Lord and I have been blessed by Him

Hubby: How do you know that that is not the destiny of your fate, how do you know that your fate was not written the way you have prayed for it

Me: I don’t know, but I know there were things that I was bothered with and after a lot of prayers, they were gone or become more bearable

Hubby: I believe that since we were born we have been designed to look the way we are, to live the way we are. There is no freewill against fate. Our life is just fate.

He then left to take his shower, and I was left wondering………………………………………..

About the power of prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

mummy-who-cooks said...

Mid, dont' stop believing...