Friday, September 9, 2011

Bouchee a la reine and Anything Cod

Yesterday I had to accompany hubby for his second opinion appointment with our new physician. Before leaving home I took out the two pieces of Cod fillet that I have left over from last Sunday. I have no clue what I will be doing with the Cod fillet anyways.

By the time we arrived home it was almost dinner time, as we always have our dinner by 6pm. Without much thought I just followed my intuition, and assembled whatever is available to make a baked Cod fillet. This was what I put together to make my dinner dish of Cod fillet.

In an glass oven dish container I started with a layer of frozen spinach, next I put the Cod fillet that I have cut into small pieces (I marinated the fillet with some salt and pepper), then I put a layer of Parmesan Cheese (my all-time favorite), next I added some sliced mushroom, then another layer of Parmesan Cheese, next come the Béchamel sauce, and finally chopped can tomatoes. I put it in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degree C.

While waiting for the dish to be ready, I also made some Bouchee a la reine with Béchamel and mushroom filling, and put it together in the lower deck of the oven with the Cod dish.

We had our dinner at nearly 7pm, I just love doing what I do best………….. cooking what comes to mind.

1 comment:

mummy-who-cooks said...

Mid,that looks delicious - 'Cod Lasagna'..:)
