Monday, September 8, 2008


In my email inbox I received a photoflash on Hording. The message was simply that to anyone who is hording, and could not let go, will not have space enough to allow new positive things to come into their life.

Hoarding is the compulsive acquiring of possessions, buying or collecting free things, it is also the saving of all these possessions, and being afraid to get rid of them. In most cases people who are hording become very unorganized.

One of my sisters is a real hoarder, she recon she is keeping all the things for sentimental reasons. The number of clothes, shoes, handbags etc that she keeps on piling is uncountable, all because of emotional attachment believing that she may need them again one find day.

I have also come across people who even keep little notes, bus tickets, cinema tickets, restaurants’ serviette which in their mind are considered to be attractive and beautiful. No matter how one tries to convince these people to discard such useless material, they feel very insecure to do so.

In my opinion hoarders do have problems organizing and maintaining their possessions. Their impulsive behavior of buying, collecting, and keeping things in the long run faces problems of categorizing. They lose touch of the necessity for organizing, resulting in a total chaos of clutter and isolation.

Finally, I think it is for security reasons, where some people have experienced so many changes in their lives that they can only depend on objects for belonging.

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