Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday Market

Saturday, we decided to go to the market, as we need to get some halal meat and it is only here that we know we can get it. This place is always full of people selling things from all over the place and for all walks of life. I love watching and noting things, I find them interesting and amusing, so I have decided to journal the few pictures in my blog. For you my angels, enjoy!!!!

People ohhhhhh people

Wok Fry `perut tahu'

Cheese............ smile..... cheese

Batu tumbuk aka pounder

Home made bread, a plenty

Spices and dried fruits (Alia and Ira)

The bye-bye cat, that I am always intrigue in

Kebab and sharwama (yummy- better than those back home)
Ciplak D&G (and hemm ugly too)

more ciplaks
Frozen fishes (see the eyes soooo sunken already.... how la)

Rabbit (Ira)

Knick Knacks

Second hand toys

Hand made baskets and tong (bekas berasla kat kampung kita)

Fresh Flowers and plants for the summer


redSeptember said... dearest, it is called mortar and pestle, not pounder :)

are you sending the dried fruits soon? send them already!!!

knick knacks looks kool since i am into hobo rock chic now...

duckwin said...

Oh ye ke, tak pe la, janji you know it is batu tumbuk. Kat sini, orang yang jual said pounder so pounder le mama. InsyaAllah, tungguuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Peeps said...

euuwww..buruknye baju ciplak tu..euuww..

duckwin said...

memang pun, bukan ala Chin mali, but from bollywood. Tak perasan ke the ciplak crocs, also bollywood mali.....