Thursday, October 29, 2009

This Is IT

I had a date with hubby last night; it was the opening night for Michael Jackson’s “This is it”. We booked the tickets online, and I met hubby at the Cineplex after office. Before leaving home, my little angel hugs me and tells me not to cry.

What can I say about the show, nothing, everything that could be said about MJ has been said. Do I cry? Yes, I am not ashamed to admit that I cried, I was mesmerized throughout the two hours show. No one left the theater even when the movie was over.

Some were standing and moving to his music, some were just not having enough of him, as for me I left with a very heavy heart, realizing that there can never be another MJ. He is simply irreplaceable. He is just him, and I love him, still loving him.

P/S: to anyone who is planning to go and watch, do not leave the theater till the curtain falls ok.

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