Monday, October 5, 2009

How High Can You Go?

Living in the rough and with very limited accessiblity to the minimal requirements of everyday needs, had somehow taught me to entertain myself in order to survive. While working at the hydro project years back and being the only lady management, I had no choice but to quickly blend in.

The nights were normally very very quite except for the sounds of the strong mountain winds, as well as the millions of singing crickets. To kill time the expat staff and me will normally challenge each other over some very well stupid games, but it kept us going. It was never an easy task to have to work hard and cater single handedly for four growing up kids. (No regrets, I will do this all over again for them).

Anyways, back to the game, there were times that we will start collecting empty cans of drinks (no liquor allowed at the project site) and stack them up on top of each other. We will cheer on for the top most can to be put without toppling the rest of cans (by the way the looser will have to pay for the drinks). We can do this over and over again, laughing and teasing each other till past mid night.

Last Saturday while we were eating at KFC Chef Diva did just that, stacking the empty coke paper cups on top of each other, while hubby challenged anyone who can blow them down. It just brought back memories of those times not too long ago.

Let's see how high can you go!!!!

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