Thursday, October 22, 2009

58 Going 85

The buzzer rang, and I know that my little angel will be walking into the house soon; I was still in the kitchen browning my meat for the beef casserole this evening. I rushed out quickly to open the door and ran back to the kitchen, without greeting her with the normal hug.

She called after me but I told her to come to the kitchen, in a minute she seated herself in front of me, and started telling me how unhappy she was with her French results. This is because she said she deserved a better mark, and that she has also volunteered to be the first presenter. Seeing how frustrated she was, I told her to talk to the teacher tomorrow, and to find out what was really the matter.

I guess that calmed her down, then she asked me, “Guess what did I get for my math?”, she was smiling now, and I was sure that the results must be what she had expected for, actually after the math’s assessment, she came home not too happy as she said the paper was tough. I just told her that it is alright, at least she has given it her all, and she should just leave the rest to the Lord.

It is very normal for them to compare results in class, and there is this funny Indian girl who is in the same class (she was adopted by a European couple), whom no one likes to call a friend, who keeps telling my little angel about how she has everything in life, even a castle, but she said she does not want to show off (hemm). So one day in the math class, she told my little angel that she thinks she will be moving to a higher math class soon, she was just telling her but not showing off ok.

When they got their results today, my little angel asked her what was her marks, instead of answering; she wanted to know first what my little angel’s score was. Honestly, she told her what her score was; the girl paused for a bit then told her that she got 85. My little angel of course feels happy for her, and said “oh you score higher than me then”, and she turned round to tell another girlfriend who were seated next to her.

To my little angel surprise, the girlfriend told her, “No, she only got 58”. Wow, we both had such a good laugh over this pathetic Indian girl. In case you are wondering my little angel scored a 75, but it is alright, I am happy when she is happy.

The poor Indian girl she must be too smart and busy not wanting to show off that she could not make the different between a score of 58 and 85. Ah…. Well, some people do start young.

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