Wednesday, October 6, 2010

That's NOT A Good Thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm feeling quite unwell beginning yesterday; I guess I might have just caught a bug or two while I was at Dr. Erich. In this condition, it gives me a very unsettling feeling, meaning everything that I do becomes such a drag.

Chef Diva of late is in a bit of an emotional spinoff and every night without fail, she will come and tug herself under my blanket next to me. She will sleep for about 20 minutes then wake up or the little angel will come and wake her up to go back to their room. While I enjoyed snuggling with her, I don’t want to pass the bugs to her too, because when she is down it is normally very bad.

My little angel is being pushed up to her neck with assignments and quizzes and exams, so she misses on the night snuggling but does that immediately when she gets home from school. I guess it will only be a matter of time before they both will be having these unsettling feelings that I am having at the moment.

When I was with Dr. Erich, he was curious to know why my body is giving out all sorts of signals that are not normally normal of me. I simply told him that maybe my body is just worn out and decided to shut up for a while, or maybe I am so stressed for thinking of other peoples' problems, or maybe I just don't know. It doesn't really matter I guess....... what matters is that I'm fucking cranky and tired.

Last night I was not sleeping too well, I didn’t even clock five hours of sleep and that is so not normal for me. My sleep was disturbed by a couple of dreams that I could not even recall by the time my little angel woke me up for ‘syahur’…………. weird.

Anyways, I'm certainly feeling exhausted from lack of sleep, from these unsettling feelings and people stressing me up. And you know what?....... That's NOT a good thing!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, (maaf, tak ingat empunya diri punya nama, nanti ada masa scroll down),

I saved the pic. Get well soon. How's the cholesterol level? The last time I felt unsettling my cholesterol was high.

Thank u