Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Funny Feelings

Strange but I have this funny feelings that my daughter is in love. She is beginning to be very difficult to be in touch with and when I called her mobile, there is this song that seems to be stringing about feelings. Hemmm…………………… is she?

She does not appear to miss me as much now, nor does she seem interested to chat with me like before. Those girlie things that mother and daughter share suddenly become more elusive now. Chores given to her are left unattended, reason being she is busy, oh I can see that she is busy, as she is never home till very late in the evening.

My precious kids are suddenly mature adults, while one has already opened the door to greater responsibility, the rest are still mapping their route to the unknown. If my funny feelings are telling me a truth of my daughter’s situation now, I can only wish her the best. Falling in love is wonderful, being in love is meaningful, broken love is painful, while true love is still a myth. I hope she will get to experience everything good in life at least once and not be broken when the tough gets going.

Soon she will be telling me that she has to pack to go back to the uni. Time sure flies, when I am anticipating news from her; and the time difference between us is not helping much.

Ooi my friend’s bags have they been delivered yet?

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