Monday, June 29, 2009

Let's Play Mom Said

When I was growing up, mom said:

Don’t sing in the kitchen, else no one will ask for your hands in marriage. The reality of that was mom does not want us to be so engrossed in our singing sensation, that we will forget the cooking on the stove, thus burning it.

When I was growing up, mom said:

Don’t cut your finger nails in the night; else something bad will befall you. The reality of that was mom does not want us to accidently cut our fingers in the semi lighted room, while doing our nails.

When I was growing up, mom said:

Don’t open the umbrella in the house; else a snake will start to come to the house. The reality of that was mom does not want us to trip on the umbrella and hurt our selves with the sharp edges of the umbrella.

When I was growing up, mom said:

Don’t sew any tear or button on your dress while wearing it, else you will have bad luck. The reality of that was mom does not want us to hurt our selves with the needle.

When I was growing up, mom said:

Don’t hit on the side of the pot while cooking, else you will deliver a baby with cleft lip. The reality of that was mom does not want us to dent the side of the pot by doing so.

When I was growing up, mom said:

Don’t take any herbal medication while you are breast feeding till at least after 3 weeks, else the baby will be very heated up which might result in an outburst of rashes and fever on the baby.

When I was growing up, mom said:

Don’t drink the pure turmeric juice while you are still in confinement and breast feeding, else you will experience terrible constipation, while the baby will be yellow.

Well, mom always said a lot of things, analyze what she said, and believe what you want.

Thank you Mak.

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