Thursday, June 25, 2009

Count Me Out

I was asked the question if I will return home to have the ‘cukur jambul’ (shaving of the hair) ceremony, my answer was short, No. There was a pause of silence before another question was put forward, but why don’t you want to have one, my answer…. because I don’t believe that that was a requirement of our belief, period.

When the kids were babies, I was exposed or forced to believe that a lot of nonsense celebrations are a part of the religious belief. Looking back if I could change a lot of things practiced then I would without a doubt.

I am not worried anymore on how many tongues will be wagging once the words go around about my perception of cultural against religious belief. Well, I am not the least concerned. You can talk as much as you want, but you can’t take away what I believe in.

Even during the wedding, they were puzzled why I do not have the ‘merinjis’ (blessing) ceremony, I would rather they go on wondering, then carry on with something that is so not warranted by my belief. People often forget when they combine the demands of culture upbringing against religious requirement. They are not ashamed to carry on with the cultural needs for fear that the society will scorn at them.

Good luck to your worldly belief, just count me out.

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