Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome to Bolehland

Time and again my patience is being tested by the moronic behavior of the people behind the counter. I thought I would get over the irritation as I am bound to encounter these bad people on a very regular basis, be it by choice or otherwise.

Last week I had gone to register some legal documentation with the local government. I was given the run around like a mice being chased by a mad cat. Each counter that I was referred to would give me a lengthy time period of getting the documents registered, and each time I have to lament that I do not have that time on hand, I swear that it would have been better for me to tape record my voice, and play it on every counter that I have to go to. God is great, he opened the door for me each time, and my lamenting grew softer.

Today, I had to climb the steps to the building that will not see any day of technology at all even if snow were to fall in Malaysia. Out of the 5 counters that I approached only 1 was functional at lunch time, and it so happened that the man sitting behind the counter was the Deputy Director of the Department.

The second department that I went to, I had to hit the stupid table bell to wake a sleepy clerk, she looked at me and said that it was lunch time and to come back after 1400 hours, however, she suggested that I go to the third counter. This means more steps to climb, at the third counter four men were busy with their mobile phone and their feet on the table, when approached I was told to come back at 1400 hours. At this point voices were ringing in my head to break their head, but I move on instead to do some photocopying of the documents that they wanted.

The first lady that I approached at the library was also busy sending messages on her mobile, she told me to climb more steps to the Xerox machine, there I met a lady who did not even lift an eyelid to look at me, as she was busy making some glittering ribbon basket. Oh my God……………… what in hell are these people here for? Suddenly I feel so alienated, why is this common disease of laziness so on the high in Malaysia.

I could go on and on to record my frustration of a day stating from 0530 hours to almost 1600 hours till I finally get all the documentation done. They often said that changes could happen when there is a will, but here in Malaysia I think they have forgotten to put up the lamp post at the end of each tunnel, those lazy bastards are blinded and doomed.

If Elvis Presley can have Graceland, Michael Jackson Neverland, we too have something to be very proud of, just know that we will always have the Bolehland.

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