Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bunga Rampai

I often wonder on the origin and the significance of Bunga Ramai (Rampai means assortment, therefore Bunga rampai is an assortment of flowers). It is widely used by Malays in many occasions, be it weddings, funerals, circumcisions, graduation of the Holy Koran, shaving infants’ hair or just any kind of celebration.

Fragrant Screw Pine or Pandanus leaves are cut into very thin and tiny strips, then flowers like Jasmine, frangipani, and roses are added to it, finally some rose water, a little bit of hair oil, and your choice of non alcoholic perfume. The lovely ingredients are put in small containers or individually wrapped to be given to the guests of the event. In weddings and circumcisions, the Bunga Rampai will be smoked with incense over night to protect it from any evil eyes (so they believe…………….. hemm).

I love Bunga Rampai as the fragrant will last a long time, when given this gesture I would either keep them in the house or better in my car, as it gives me the feeling of freshness and peace.

Whatever the significance or belief may be, to me Bunga Rampai is a traditional must. It is not something easy to make, however when you want to give Bunga Rampai as a gift, I believe that all sincerity should go in its preparation. I enjoy making Bunga Rampai, simply because with every packet I wish the recipient a world of joy and good health

Recently my niece had her first born son’s shaving of the hair ceremony, and I was more than delighted to give the guests attending the ceremony a box of Bunga Rampai each, though on the actual day I could not attend.

May God bless you Adam and may you be healthy always.

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