Tuesday, January 13, 2009

STFU............... Big Mouth

During one of the dinners that I had with my girlfriends, I was surprised to learn that I was still the center of some gossip mongering. Why so, I wonder? It does not hurt me at all if people want to talk about me till the end of days, but I get pretty upset when the talks are about my precious kids.

Let me put this to you, yes you; you read my blog I know. If you were born that way, born to just do nothing but to make up stories about others, then I wish you all the best. I surpassed the tit for tat situation; I want you to know that I don’t even reciprocate to bad mouth you, because to me this is just a waste of my precious time.

But I would like to put the record straight, I have never put my kids to stay with you while I was working out of the country, on contrary it was the other way round. My kids have never gone to your house with Tiffin carrier to beg for food. I know people get smitten by the way you talk and by the way you manipulate your way around them, but not me. For anyone who will know you, no one can know you better than me.

In your sick mind you think people believe you but at your age you should know better; Either people are being bored by you or they just don’t give the shit anymore.

So, tell you what?................. STFU!!!!!!

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