Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It Is Best To Leave The Old In The Past.

Each time I feel let down and frustrated, I will remind myself that people come and people go in my life. I refused to let them leave an unforgotten print in my mind or my heart. Good people are not made to stay and bad people will never leave you alone. This is my impression of people now.

Like characters in the books that you read, people will just drift in and out of your life. It is no point holding grudges on bad companies or nasty remarks, and also trying to hold on for a life time to those that have such an impact on you. That does not happen anymore.

Like reading a book, at first you got so immersed in the characters that were playing in the story of the book. You become so eager to judge, to assume, to hate, to love and to conclude. You keep on holding to that book, you put that particular one on the shelf where you can easily reach out for it as and when you want to. However, when you find a new book, a more interesting character, a better value for money, you immediately forgot that old book that was so precious to you once upon a time. You never even pause to brush off the dust that is beginning to collect.

Hench, why bother with the feeling of let down and frustration, learn to treat people like some characters in your favorite book. Close the old one and focus on the new.

It is best to leave the old in the past.

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