Sunday, March 11, 2012

For I am Your Mother

I still remember the day CD told me that she wants to come back home. It was a great surprised to me but as her mother I have to be supportive of her decision. I do not condemn her neither do I bombarded her with millions of questions. At that moment the only question that I asked was “are you sure this is what you want?”

Upon her arrival I showered her with all happiness that only a mother can give, I gave her the space; I let her be what she wants to be, even when she refused to unpack her luggage, I just let her be. I realized that she needed time to think, to look back, to just be alone in her own thoughts. I gave her all that and more.

People who don’t know my CD can speculate as much as they want, but all I asked of them is to extend their respect to her, don’t push her, don’t implicate her, don’t be judgmental about her for she is still so young and anything that she decided upon is really no one’s business but hers alone.

After nearly 6 months, CD finally opens up. I listened, we discussed, we laughed, we analyzed and I again leave it to her to make her decision forward. I can only guide her along.  And I know she has a very good head on her and this time around I know she will more careful, more selective and less trusting of the world out there.

For I am your mother and no one can love you more than me.

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