Sunday, March 27, 2011

Summer Of My Dream

Today, I told myself that I will live the best life I can. I am not going to be bleeding from my heart for the children that I hold very very close. I will go out and breath the spring air, enjoy the smiling sun and walk the steps that I needed.

I will eat good foods to nourish my body and keep the sanity of my mind. I will swear at any kind of bitchiness as much as I want and as loud as I care. I will start caring for my skin again as though I have just known what cleansing and mask are all about. I will put on my best attire and let the eyes admire me.

I will be present in my body, aware of myself, my surrounding and let my legs carry me where I want to go happily. I will be grateful to the strength granted to me by the Lord. I will be more receptive of my surrounding by expanding my mind with knowledge shared. I will hope that Japan will build up quickly for they are the best people that I have known in this world. I will try to connect with only friends and family who are no nonsense. I will only want the best in my life.

For now the bitter winter is behind me, and I am positive that spring is a few months away from the summer of my dream.

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