Friday, February 5, 2010

When My Little Angel Cries

Yesterday my little angel was visited by her sister at school, and she was always happy to have her sister with her especially at school too. They went to the library and she borrowed some comic books for her sister.

I noticed that they were a bit behind time; I was thinking maybe they had gone to walk on the frozen river, but I had told Chef Diva not to do that as the ice is starting to melt now, and it could be dangerous. It was difficult to keep myself calm, so I called and alright they were on the way home, and oh wait a minute, I heard my little angel sobbing. I asked for the phone to be passed to her but she refused to talk till she is home.

They arrived shortly afterwards. I greeted them at the door, I could see from her eyes that she has been crying. I gave her the space to come and talk to me on her own will, which does not take too long. She took her normal place next to my bed on the carpet, and with a heavy heave she began revealing her ordeal of the day.

She was super upset for not getting the full score for her German report card. She took the matter up with the teacher concerned and the reason was because of lack of participation in class, this to her was not true, and by the way she scored a maximum of 7s for all the class assessments, so therefore, it made her so mad. Clearly she was not able to accept the score of 6, she was all teary and sobbing in between the conversation.

It was so sad to see my little angel in this situation, I rubbed her head gently and told her that it is alright, that she did not fail, that she has scored 7s all the time, and that what the teacher thinks could be difficult to challenge because it is none formal, meaning no paper evidence, but her own observation. I told her that I am ever so proud of her, and she should not cry over things that are beyond her control.

This is what my little angel has become now, she is very competitive in her studies, she wants to be top of the class always, she set a very high goal in her achievement, and feel failure if she does not get what she had anticipated for.

May be someday she will realize that not all people are nice, be it teachers, friends, families etc, and I hope that realization will come soon, in order for her to stop any anticipation at all.

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