Saturday, February 20, 2010

Please Let Me Adopt

My little angel will be 15 years of age come end of this year; she is literally growing into a young adult, so fast so soon. I miss her early years in life, I miss dolling her up, I miss carrying her in the baby basket, or being in the shower together, I miss all those special moments.

For almost 6 years now, I have been begging hubby to adopt a child. I know I still have some good years left in me to at least caring for another child. I have been trying to reason out with him, threatening him, ignoring him and many other things that I have tried, but he is still adamant that we do not need another child. But I want!!!!!!!!!!!

I dream of adopting one of the African babies, I have no reason whatsoever for my choice of a child, but I love their curly hair, their little button nose, their full lips, their chubby cheeks, and most of all their innocent eyes. I can imagine how proud I will be showing the baby around, hearing the baby calling me ‘mama’, waiting for him at play school, and caring for him in good and bad times; it will be sheer bliss for me.

My children are on hubby's side, they indeed encouraged him not to let me adopt a child. Each time I brought up the subject, I will be the minority voice, each time I brought up the subject I will end up walking away from the table. What can I do to make them feel the way I do, what can I do to let them know that the baby will not be a burden to any of us?

Till then I am scheming a strategy……………..

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