Friday, February 5, 2010

On This Cancer Day

I saw your face, it looks so sad. What has become of you? People change but you are still as vain as you want to be. How long more do you think you can play pretend? You want to pretend that no one knows the miseries behind your closed doors; you want to pretend that you are a good captain of the ship; you want to pretend that you are the best son that any parents could ever wish for. For how long more?

They told me that you were getting better when you were diagnosed with the disease, they said that they were convinced you had a good wife waiting to serve you on ends, they told me that you are in very good hands, they even said that you were consuming all the good branded food that most patients could not afford. Yeah, they told me many things, but then I also know that they are great story telling people.

What I saw could not deny the fact that you are still a very arrogant person; you refuse to share your predicament because you know none of your entourage could be trusted, not even your best of friends. But you know what, people talk, they can say as much as they like, does it matter to you? Just be truthful to yourself and live a happy life with whatever you might have left. It would be sad to know that you are so lonely in your own over crowded world.

On this Cancer Day, I can only wish you well.

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