Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Don't Like You

I don’t like you and you and you and you, I don’t even hate you, I just loath you and I think you are super pathetic and imposing. Why can’t you just leave me alone? I don’t even want to know your name or better I wish to forget your face altogether.

How can you be so fake, so pretentious, so arrrr………. Damn I just don’t have any more words to describe you. Are you not getting the message that your existence is a waste of carbon space in my world? Get lost and do me a favor while you are there, please disappear forever.

You know it is funny how you will not come and meet with me whenever I was around, however, you will be so curious to know what my life is all about when I am not within your reach. Could it be that you are so scared that I will come and spit truth in your face, Oh Lord you should be that clown on the strings, so entertaining yet so disgusting.

Can I ask why are you always snooping around me as though you are walking on sharp edges. Willing to try yet so scared to be cut into pieces. Am I that indispensible to you? Or is your jealousy overflowing and oozing out of your stupid brain. Can I request that you leave me in my own world alone, because I sure don’t have any space for you here.

I don’t like you……………….. Buzz off. You are worse than a pain in the ass. That’s how low you are in my eyes.

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