Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Little Angel As Jack Sparrow

Last week was quite a week for my little angel; it was a mixture of excitement, sadness and joy so to speak. Everything has to do with friends, school and teachers. My concern is that I am always there for her to lean on.

She got invited for a sleep over dress up birthday party on Friday; this means that I will only see her on Friday morning and again after her return on Saturday (then she will be off again for another birthday do at a bowling center). The theme for the costume was anything Johnny Depp, as the birthday girl was a dire hard fan of Johnny Depp.

I was to go and get the costume for my little angel, and I have only one day to do that, plus I also have to get a gift for the birthday girl. Together with Chef Diva (who can be very critical about anything and everything), we went from one costume store to the other. The price variety was fantastic, all you have to do is to walk a lot and shop smart.

My little angel specifically wanted a red bandana but all the costume shops had the red bandana attached to a wig, so left with no choice I opt for a red skull cap, by the way it was also the last one on the shelf. The rest of the costume I will figure out later.

Next stop was the birthday gift; I was given the order that the gift should not be anything girlie, no flowers, no hair band, no pink color, no no no for all girls things. After walking and walking and walking, I found a branded bracelet that was blue and silver in color, it looks elegant and yeah not girlie, and the best thing was that it was on 70 % sale, and it was going to cost me less than 5 Euros (talk about bargain hunting). Just the right gift, so without any hesitation I bought it, and guess what? The birthday girl loves it. (wink wink).

I am sharing here my very own Jack Sparrow………….. she's lovely isn’t she?

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