Thursday, September 24, 2009

Starting at Peace

My little angel was given no vacation on September 21, in fact she was all geared to go dressed in white to participate in the celebration of world Peace Day. It was a one day of non violence and all nations were expecting a ceasation of fire.

In the small community of her school, the children did a formation of a white dove as a symbol of peace, and she was so happy to be a part of that small community. They had to forgo their home room session in order to participate as a piece of the white dove.

She was happy that her grade was chosen, and I hope this memory will stay with her in years to come. Peace is such a lonely word in this hipocratical world, be it among friends, family and nations. Maybe her generation will learn to appreciate peace and live to that expection.

I am starting with being at peace with myself.

1 comment:

redSeptember said...

tu tu , i nampak ketiak nana tu. belah kiri dari belakang tu kan...heheheh