Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We started burning wood in the fireplace last night; this is because the temperature has dropped to at least 14 degree by night, while it is still bearable during the day. Hubby had however purchased the compressed wood instead of the normal wood, burning the compressed wood take a bit of skill, but it does not last long, by morning we were down with the last wood.

I simply love the smell of the burning wood; my little angel claimed that the living area now smells like a Spa. Nevertheless, it gave us the feeling of warm and real cozy which is really what we had aimed for. I requested hubby to get more wood after work today, as I am kind of getting the hang of it and the kids love that it is so warm.

Now I understand why even some houses back home build fireplaces in their house when the tropical climate does not even demand for that. It just gives the sensation of a warm spa in your own living room.

................. enjoying this!!!!!

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