Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today Is My I LOVE YOU Day

Today is my I LOVE YOU day; I want to say I love you to all the important people in my life. I may have not shown most of you that I care and that the thought of you makes me feel warm inside but I do. Don’t ask me why I am feeling mushy today, but you will never know when time runs out on you. It is better to do the things that you want to do when you can still do it.

Firstly to my parents, whom I love so so much, who gave me the meaning of living. I may not be noticed for my recognition but I recognize and acknowledge both of you every single day of my life. Thank you for being my parent. They always say that you cannot choose your parent but neither can your parents choose their children. The Lord has patched us in a way that I could never complain.

To my husband, my friend, my confidante, my love, and the pillar that I will forever lean on. I love you with all of me. Thank you for the eight meaningful years that we have shared and I look forward to more wonderful years with you. Thank you for accepting me and my children too. I don’t know what else to say about you except that everything that is good is you.

To my beautiful children, I love you unconditional and endless. I may not be the best parent but no one can say that I never tried hard enough. You are the meaning of my living and as much as everyone is telling me to let go of you, for all of you are grown-ups and young adults now, but to me you are forever my babies. I have no treasure to hand down to you but I have sold everything that I have to give you the best of education, I have no regrets. Would I do this all over again as your only parent, without a doubt I will.

To my handsome grandson, I could still smell you to this day. I love you nuts, and the only picture that your mommy gave to me has been in my purse ever since and will be till the Lord takes me away. You are such a gift and I could only wish the best that the world has to offer for you. I am sure you will make your parents proud, as I will always be proud to tell the world about you.

To all my brothers and sisters, I love you more than any of you could comprehend. I may not show it, I may be that cold bitch that each of you loves to hate, but I will fight the war for you. Whatever difference that we may have between us, I am sorry if I have done you wrong if any at all. I simply love you.

Huhhhhhhh………………………………. Now I am done saying I love you, I love you and I will always love love you. Mwaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

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