Sunday, August 7, 2011

I Am Super Good

Seriously, I can proudly pledge that I am super good at:

- “sembat baju kurung johor” I am not sure what is the direct translation for this. It is the art of hand stitching a ‘baju kurung’. Many of us now don’t mind wearing the machine sewn ‘baju kurung’ but I love mine with the hand stitches as it looks neater and would not split at the side easily like the one sewn by machine.

- Laughing out loud even before I start telling my joke, so much so that my family will be laughing at the way I laugh and not my joke.

- Being a mom and spoiling my kids

- Taking random pictures of fat people

- Stressing myself out for unnecessary reasons, especially when the reasons are my kids and hubby

- Making a groceries list and ending up buying things not on the list and coming home missing the things that were on the list

- Getting work done on time despite putting it on hold till the very last minute, and this behavior had actually rub on to my kids too

Next let me try doing a list of what I am not good at, and if I am daring enough to do that I think it will take at least three entries. I will give myself some time to procrastinate on that first ok.

I am super good………………………. !!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Nice pic by Adik, wish my Adik could draw, he he...

Yours:Making a groceries list and ending up buying things not on the list and coming home missing the things that were on the list

Mine: Buying without a list and ending up throwing many that passed the expiratory dates...just did that before buka puasa, 5 big plastic tong sampah..

duckwin said...

He he Dr H, typical of us as woman right. Ala adik you macam cik mong belum dekat nanti dah cakar. The cats are gorgeous.