Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia"

Along the way in this life I met a lot of people who were and are married to different races and religions. There were times that I admire them as their offspring are ridiculously cute and adorable, and to top all that some of them are super smart lads too.

What amazes me though is that most of these people do not seem to come to an in between life, often the husband will follow the cultural or religious belief of the wife, but many wives do also proudly take over the cultural life style of the husband, so much so that she no longer remembers her original identity.

Since I am Malay, I will now write about my observation of the so called Malay who has turned to be “Mat Salleh” or “orang putih” direct translation westerners or white. First and foremost the names of their children are no longer that of a Malay name, then the food that they serve in their house will no longer have anything to do with a Malay dish, next comes to the way they dress, all are no longer depicting that of Malay. I would believe if they could change their look, skin color and so on, they would, so long that they are no longer Malay.

I have a girlfriend who is Malay and a Muslim and married to an Australian, she told me that because she does not want her only child to be outcast by friends in school, she, therefore allows him to consume pork but she is not serving it in the house though. I was too surprised to comment or say anything.

Then I have another girlfriend a Malay Muslim too married to an English man. Her husband is just a fantastic guy, very down to earth, very nice but super heavy drinker. In order to be able to be a good company to her husband, she too started to drink and has become a very good one at that now, all her children only speak English and no Malay words are to be spoken in her house. I was like, are you for real? This is because she does not want to offend her husband who does not understand the Malay language.

Anyways, to each his own, but what is also very sad now, is that more and more Malays just wannabe “orang putih”, but why? I mean I am not a big fan of the Malay race but I will defend that race anytime if they are to be disgraced. But, it still amazes me why the inferiority of not wanting to be your own skin?

I have seen one too many either here or back home, “Melayu yang mudah lupa” and what will happen to this race in ten years to come?

"Takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia" this was what Hang Tuah said, do you think his words will now be a paradox of yesterday?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tak nak jadi Melayu tak per, tapi kalau tak takut Allah, dah dapat tetapi murtad itu yang kesian...ini lah orang nya yang dalam surah Al Baqarah, kata buta, tuli dsbnya...

H, Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.