Monday, August 15, 2011


Due to my bone condition, sleeping on the bed was beginning to be a chore. I could hardly clock a good hour of sleeping, as it caused my back, left and right arms to hurt so much. This was made worse by the constant spasms and non-stop movement of my fingers and toes.

I decided to go and look for medical mattresses, they have some impressive collections here, but………… well, the prices were not impressive enough for me. The real good medical mattresses range from Euros 3,000 and above, that was beyond what I can afford.

Hubby and I then decided that we should get some thin mattresses and start sleeping on the floor instead, we did just that. Initially, it was not so comfortable for me, this is because I am used to sleeping on super thick mattresses, and on a super king size bed. The change was quite drastic for me especially, but we are getting used to sleeping on the floor now. I recognized that it was super cool to sleep in this manner, and it proved to be very good for my back, though not so for my left and right shoulder. I guess you cannot have them all.

The hard surface of the floor is an added advantage for me as there was no bouncing up and down of the bed; it is blissful, comfortable and really stable. It also provides good posture to my body while sleeping and allowed me to breath properly when my body was not crouched by the mattress on a bed.

By the way the Sufis have a proverb: If you sleep on the floor, you won’t fall out of bed. True enough. But are there are other reasons to do such a thing? Surprisingly, yes sleeping on the floor can become a part of a very good therapy for your back.

I read somewhere that when you sleep on a hard surface and on your back, you can avoid having wrinkles. I don’t know if this is true or not, I am just quoting what I had read somewhere. Honestly, he he he I have no wrinkles even at this age as a granny.

I now encourage people to sleep on the floor, be it with a thin mattress or just a comforter, give it a try, it is less messy then sleeping on a bed, cheaper to maintain and easy to keep tidy, besides of course a good back. The first few nights may be difficult, but if you don’t give up, you will find that your body will accommodate and you will have a pretty good night sleep.

Sleeping on the floor is simply purifying and it is like playing camping.

I like.

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