Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Will Miss You At Count down

In my previous entry I wrote how playful my two little angels can be, even on the night of the packing they were busy playing rather than doing what they were supposed to do.

Anyways, on the day of their departure, they were still packing and trying to organize their belongings. I let them be and do what I would do best every day, watching CNN, and taking up the challenge of the Iron Frog (go figure).

We left the house quite early, as I was contemplating their overweight luggage. Alhamdulillah everything went well despite their overweight. While waiting for hubby to come from the office, I took them for a light lunch.

At lunch and being the norm at departure, I keep reminding them what to do, what not to do, what to tell and what not to tell. We poke joke at one another, to hide the sadness of departure, then out of nowhere Chef Diva took out a bag containing presents for hubby and me.

When I opened my present and read the home made card, I nearly let go of my soft emotional side again, but wait a minute I managed to hold my tears. They had bought me this little angel perfume that I was so smitten by and of course a Star Wars character for hubby.

Despite their playfulness, they never forget when it comes to being the sweet thoughtful them. Thank you darling, may you both have a nice merry Xmas too.

We will be missing you at this year’s count down.

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