Monday, January 25, 2010

She Came And She Occupied Too

We had to wake up at 0445 hours to be in time to meet Chef Diva on her arrival at the airport. As usual I will try to make the cold morning a fun start. I made hubby and my little angel challenge me to the tram station, and the run did us good indeed, it did not only warm us up but also helped to warm our morning spirit too.

Her flight was slightly delayed; she was mourning and swearing under her breath because of the full flight on a small plane, on her connecting sector here. She did not even have the appetite for breakfast, while hubby and I were busy digging into our spinach strudel. She was still complaining about the pain in her ear. Poor thing.

Without delay and after my little angel had her ‘must’ visit to the WC, we took the train home; it did not take us long to arrive. Hubby went straight to catch on his sleep again, while the three of us stayed in the living area chatting away, till one by one took to the bed to sleep.

Chef Diva was on the computer for a bit, before deciding to invite herself into my bed. I thought she looked so funny curled up this way and so innocent too, not even aware that I had to vacate the bed to let her rest good.

She came and yeah she occupied too!!!!

1 comment:

malissa-icha said...

hi ma..its me isha,poor yah die nmpak ngantuk sgt..send my regards 2 her ye ma.luv u..8)