Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let's Legalize Weed

Legalize the usage of weed; this has been a long time debate. The pros and the cons, the yes and the no and the why not?

We had a first-hand opportunity to be among demonstrators seeking the legalization of this matter recently.

People are naturally absurd; being among these demonstrators can only make us feel like we belong. The absurdities of the demonstrators are calm, peaceful and most interestingly very informative.

I was daring enough to take the challenge of drinking the tea made from the flowers of the plant. It tasted just like any other ordinary herbal tea, but one thing I can vouch for is that after the tea all the pain that I was experiencing in the joint of my hip joint were totally gone. That evening I did an almost 5km walk without any pain at all. This is to prove the medicinal value of the plant.

If the tea is available in the market, I will not hesitate using it to curb the constant nagging pain that I am experiencing for almost four years now.

So should we now make alcohol and cigarettes illegal, taking into consideration the far worse implications from its usage? Let’s ponder for a moment, to the logic of one being legal while the other not.

Do you think that there is a hidden agenda somewhere?

1 comment:

redSeptember said...

wow! mamak dah pandai take weed ehhehehe... ok, i need some for me too then. the ones that they put in chocolate. i think it is available in the Red District :P