Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Liar And The Bitch

I heard of your divorce, am I surprised………………. No, not at all. I am happy for her but sad for the 6 children.

I heard of your mild stroke, this must be your second one after the first, when you were alone and busy chasing your position in the country’s number 1 car production. Or was it when you were slapped with too much to chew?

Anyways, I could not care less about you. I am now waiting if you will ever tell them the truth, especially that bitch who is your mode of communication. I wonder also if you will ever tell that man with the many funny humongous rings in his face, that you were suspecting him of stealing from you through the bus factory, and that you wanted me to terminate him, well, maybe someday I hope.

Oh, can I also say thank you for sharing your intimate stories, you must have been pissed right, because I could not even be bothered with your 3 million, if you think having an affair with your millions was my game, damn………………… you were wrong. But, hey listen if you are still desperate, now that you are single again, I know someone who is a champion at home wrecking, she is married though, but nevertheless, she will do anything to live in money.

You both will be a perfect match………….. the liar and the bitch!!!!!

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