Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Pupil

I was subject to many tests in order to rule out many things that could lead to the severe sharp pain that I was feeling on the upper left side of my head. One of them was the dilation of my left eye pupil. Some kind of eye drop was used, but before this many other things were done to the eyes.

The examination enables the optometrist to see more of my retina, which is the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye. This was not a pleasant situation, I don’t like doing this at all, and I had twice the experience. But, whatever that is going to be good to resolve my situation I am game for it. The optometrist wanted to rule out signs of disease.

It was really horrible, as my vision remained blurred for a long long time after the examination, and lights and brightness just hurt the eye. Diagnosis was good, no signs of infection or disease were found, but it was discovered that I have very dry eyes, and usage of regular eye drops are recommended.

However, further blood test was requested by the optometrist for I don’t what.

1 comment:

redSeptember said...

omg!!! amira so have your eyes!