Monday, October 24, 2011

Out Of The Caves

I love having my angels with me; we can pretty do anything out of nothing.

One common thing that got me teasing them always was about their body hair, while I am not a hairy person, my angels are. Poor babies, I used to take them for hair threading days. It was easy when we were living in boleh land, but here these people are very rare, and if you do find them, they are hopeless.

Chef Diva does not believe in shaving so she is into the hair removal cream, while the little angel is the shaving type. There were moments or days that they will get mighty lazy and let the hair on their legs to be longer than I could have anticipated, and I will be open to teasing them more, and this will go on till they remove the over grown hair.

However, they will counter tease me (hubby will take their side) about my nose hair (he he he). For some stupid reason that I am still trying to figure out, mine always managed to creep out of the caves. It’s embarrassing, especially when we are waiting for the tram, suddenly they went “mama, eewww, your nose hair is out of the caves, and hubby will go, “honey, honey, stand still, stand still, I will pull it out for you”, and all this in a public area. There you go that’s my angels and hubby bundled together.

But, now I have a new weapon to remind them to have their hair removed methodically as a matter of fact. I told them, “you know if you die, and before I call the people to come and take your body, I will bawl my eyes out and shaving you at the same time”, he he he, I hope this works.

Alia, we are waiting to tease you, please come soon, and we know your sore hair tease…………………… he he he………………. Evil, can’t wait.

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