Monday, October 10, 2011

Ayurveda And Ducky

Last night like many nights of late, I could not sleep for long hours. It is a routine now for me to wake up around 3 am in the morning. It is making me crazy, not enough sleep is just so torturing, but not being able to sleep on your left or right or on your back is worse. I realized that every nerve in my body that can thrill me with pleasure is now oozing out agonizing pain.

Today, again, I walked the short distance to the hospital in the strong cold morning wind, everyone was dressed in their sleeping bag, the weather is not helping my eagerness to go for my massage and Munari therapy. Half way through, I could not feel my nose already, and surprisingly I was grumbling under my breath that the whole therapy thing is not doing much to me, last Friday the results of the therapy left me almost bedridden. The tingling muscle spasm plus the burning sensation was beyond it. I still refuse to take any pain killer; this time around I didn't even take the Panadol. I believe the Lord is testing me.

I kept telling myself, “you are good, you are good, and the Lord loves you”, I busied myself by cooking, yes cooking does take my mind away from the pain, even if it was only my own disillusioned mind telling me so. I cooked us “lontong” and also baked us a cake, everyone was happy and that was good for me.

These are among the symptoms of my Sclerosis now:
Loss of balance
Painful muscle spasms
Sudden pain when doing long walking from spine area to the whole of right leg and arm
Tingling, crawling, and burning feeling in my arms
Dizziness and balance problems at times
My eyesight is becoming worse

I read somewhere that Ayurveda might be a solution to my agony. Going through the internet I discovered a couple of reputable hospitals in Kerala, India and I am so tempted to go there for treatment. I believe that whatever is wrong with me is just a matter of the mind, and having some information about Ayurveda and conventional treatment, I am confident that this will be an answer to my prolonged matter of the mind.

In Ayurveda Literature, it was documented that the symptoms that I have can be managed effectively with the adoptions of biological requirement life style, dietary habits as well as dietary stuff. It can be treated with the help of herbal food supplements and Ayurveda medicines.

I am game for it, just checking my ducky bank if I could afford it yet.

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