Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Convince Me Please!

My left eye is twitching again and it is so annoying especially when I have to pay extra attention to try and fight the power of the twitch. In fact it is so distracting, and each time the twitching happens, I began to analyze the superstitious annotation behind it. Hell, yes, I can be that superstitious.

I have been brought up to believe that black cats are bad omen, so if there’s anything that was written about eye twitching will be over ruled by what had been preached to me from my very early age on superstitious. News had it that left eye twitching presage bad news.

However, there are several factors that could also trigger the twitching of the eyes; among them are stress and lack of sleep, and it has nothing to do with an omen of bad things. At the moment lack of sleep and stress are very much the dominant factors in my life. I often wonder how little things can have such an impact on me; I am easily bothered by matters that should just be forgotten and dusted. I can lose sleep thinking of the leaves changing colors, or what day will it be tomorrow.

There you go, so the twitching of my left eye was from my own doing and nothing more than that.

Oops! Convince me, please!

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