Thursday, June 6, 2013

Not To Forget Her Roots

my funny little angel
Prayer times are getting to be very late here at this season of the year. The Maghrib will start at 2052 hours while the Isha prayer will start at 2307 hours. My little angel finds it is quite a challenge to stay up for her Isha prayer as the next day; we will have to wake up at around 0300 hours for our Subuh prayer, and to top that she will have to go to school. I am giving her extra pampering just to encourage her to get use to the timing. Anyways, her room is situated a bit of a distance from mine so we always keep our google chat on; this is the way we communicate when anyone of us is too lazy to walk to each other’s room. This was what happened yesterday night:

Me: baby, go and pray before they pray on you

LA: uhh, who prey on me?

Me: (laughing to myself) pray, when you die the people will pray on you or for you.

LA: oh ahhh, okies……….. I will go now.

Me: good girl

A few hours lapsed and she was busy with her school assignment and I noticed that the Maghrib praying time was nearly midway already, so I sent her another reminder.

Me: baby, go sembahyang, sebelum kamu disembahyang kan (literally the meaning is the same as my earlier message)

LA: hemm……… I did my prayer already and I beat you to it: P

Me: oh ok, good girl, that’s my darling.

I will do anything to encourage her to know her roots and the responsibilities of a good Muslim. Living out of her country for a good many years now, I don’t want her to be totally disengaged with what she should know, though sadly I noticed that she is having difficulty understanding some ‘bahasa-bahasa lama’ (old slang of the bahasa).

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