Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hair Lice

A couple of times we received letters/emails from the school informing us not to send our kid/s to school until further notice. This is because one or two of the kid/s in school was infected by hair lice. Hair lice are considered a very serious health issue by the government here. Besides the letters/emails from school we will also be given information announcement from the government too.

I remember when I was in school, every day we will be asked to lineup in assembly before going to our respective classes. The weather back there is always scorching hot and our uniforms were thick, we will be sweating from head to toe before even entering the classes. The assembly would normally be quite long, and once you are in line you have to stay that way and not change in line. I noticed back then, there were so many kid/s with hair lice. When the weather was that hot, the lice will be crawling out of the hair on to the neck, on to the uniform and everywhere on the shoulder of the kid/s. It was so scary, just remember this make me squirm. It was a horrible experience.

Teachers never pay any attention to this health issue back then and I am not sure if they do now, but my grandmother was very strict in taking care of this problem. If she noticed any of the girls in the family being affected by hair lice, she would never stops treating each and every one of us (it does not matter if you have or have not). There is this special two edged comb that she used to comb out the hair lice. She would do this ritual at least a couple of times in the day, and make sure that we washed our hair every day. Thanks to my late grandma (may she be happy there).

It is summer now, I love the sun ok the heat too and the sweat and the stickiness that comes along, but I cannot help thinking about the hair lice, as most of the people are out of the house 98 percent more than staying indoors.

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