Friday, September 7, 2012


Autumn is approaching fast; we are starting to wear semi-thick clothes for our outing. I don’t like the wind and the rain coming down together; it is really chilling and sad. The windows that have remained open throughout summer now have to be shut closed.

Suddenly, I feel like a wilting flower. With my situation the autumn weather can only make my body work in the most unexpected manner. I am now down with cough, cold, sore throat etc etc. Trying to keep balance of my health is picking on me and that it was not always going to be easy to keep. I am exhausted for most of the day, and quite frankly, I think I feel more stressed out now.

At the Apotheke, I was prescribed to take Pelacur, yes you read that right Pelacur. I wanted to laugh out loud but I don’t want to be offensive to the chemist who was serving me. If you google the word Pelacur, and the meaning from Wiktionary is prostitute. Ha ha ha, there you go I am on Pelacur now.

The quick overview of the Pelacur that I am taking is “Pelacur Erkältungspastillen be applied to problems in the mouth and throat, such as sore throat, cough and hoarseness, for example as a result of colds. Pelacur Erkältungspastillen unfolds a balsamic effect on the mucous membranes”.

Therefore, your words may not have the same meaning as mine. Let’s think outside the box ok.

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