Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Me Time"

This is the quality “me time”, not alone but alone among other crowds walking in the garden, and enjoying the last few days before you really have to dress up to keep yourself from the chilly weather.

In this moment there were many things that came to mind. Some pretty happy thoughts, some funny that almost make me laugh out loud, some sad but mostly the thought of “where do I go from here?” I must admit that I am a thinker and there were time that I think, I think because I just love thinking and not because of anything else.

Cry a little just thinking about what could have been and what could have been not. I tend to hold back my tears a lot more now because tears make me sad, but then again, isn’t that the very reason why people cry? Well, of course we cry tears of joy too.

Most of all during my “me time”, alone in a crowded area, I love people watch. Peoples’ faces, body, character etc are so intrigued to me, and I often wonder do they see me the same way that I see them in my eyes? Who cares, I don’t, I love people watching and am not shy to be critical about them in my mind.

Love me, hate me………. I am still me.

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