Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life Is Just An Experience

Yesterday I spent some good time talking to my Chef Diva. She was not really in a good mood, as there were a lot that was going on her mind lately. However, throughout the conversation, I realized that the field that she’s currently in is not giving her the satisfaction that she’s looking for in her life right now.

As a single parent, I wanted always to give the best to my kids. Therefore, when what she is doing is no longer satisfying her, I can only be there to support her in every way possible. I will be there in her every step towards something new that she might want to do instead in the future.

Along the way I remember how I have built my own career. It was never a smooth sailing one, I remember falling too often and the feeling of being so hopeless since I have no one to help me along the way, to encourage me to pick all the pieces of me from the fall and start standing again. It was a feeling that I want none of my kids to ever experience.

Yes, I have been there and done that, I have been to the peak of my career path and I have enjoyed each journey despite the pitfalls that I had to go through. I treasured all the experiences and try to bury the trauma in a deep deep grave.

To my Chef Diva, remember you are not alone and never will be alone as long as I am still breathing. Follow your dream, if you feel that you are not happy then do not continue doing what you are doing. Life is only an experience and it is not important to stay stagnant on a path that you found too grilling to go on.

I love you and your sisters love you……………….. always remember that.

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