History is told that the tradition of Turkish Delight in Turkey dates back to 300 years or more, therefore making Turkish Delight as one of the oldest sweets in the world.
Turkish Deligh was discovered once upon a time when a certain Sultan in his endeavor to cope with all his wives, summoned all his confectionery experts and ordered them to produce a unique dessert. As a result the Turkish Delight was born.
It was also a culture in Turkey that Turkish Delights be wrapped in beautiful lace handkerchiefs to be given as a chic gift item amongst the socialites. Couples are believed to exchange them as tokens of love.
From the last trip I bought a couple of boxes of Turkish Delight to be given to friends that I care for, and I am so fortunate that they were there for me in one way or the other, and I am also glad that they love it as much as I do.
More reasons for the next trip to Turkey.
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