Monday, June 7, 2010

This Is Art

Took the angels out for a picnic yesterday, as usual we went to the river but a different spot altogether. When we arrived we discovered that the river had overflowed due to the massive rain in the past two weeks. The river banks were patches of mud here and there. Some of the mud had dried up causing a lot of dust flying around as we were walking.

We had packed our lunch, and each brought a book to read, since we dare not go on the river for boating, as the water was very murky and the current too fast. After dinner, hubby went on the bicycle while I rolled on the scooter to enjoy the sun. The angels took time to nap and read.

On one of the hills, hubby and I discovered this run down statue of arts; there were no longer any signs for us to know who the artist was. In fact some of the statues were broken literally by vandalism, and left in that stage without repair.

It is strange how these pieces were located on a hill plate unattended, yet there were benches that the public still fully utilize in the summer.

This is art, go figure.

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