Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stupidity Runs Deep

All I hired them for was to change the boiler in the house. What normally takes 4 hours to do have taken them nearly 3 weeks to complete. To top all that, the chimney guy who is nearly the same age as my father (believe it or not), who claimed that he had all the technical knowhow had instructed that the new boiler be moved in the walk way of the unit instead of the kitchen.

The hacking and the drilling of the walls was unbelievable, by mistake as instructed by the stupid wise old chimney man, they even drilled through a main pillar which holds the structure of the whole apartment building. Obviously, they stopped the drilling work altogether while waiting for the stupid wise old man to decide what is the next move.

Our reasoning with them goes nowhere, that’s when we decided to speak to a legal aid. When threatened with a demand of explanation, the stupid wise old man dared not come to our unit anymore, but informed the workers that it was alright to do the installation as we had suggested.

The work is yet to complete, while the boiler was finally installed, but I am demanding that they repair the broken tiles in the bathroom, the wall paper and the kitchen tiles. And, yes I also need the certificate of fitness authorizing that the installation of the boiler is safe and right. Without all these in place, they will not get the payment at all from us, instead they will be issued with a demand letter from the legal advisor.

Take note Nicolas Sarkozy, when you implemented the retiring age to 62 years of age for your country, you will get half senile employees to run your country, while the youngsters busy themselves doing drugs and making babies, as they don’t have a need to work, while living like leaches on the income tax payers.

Please let the youngsters have a say in the running of a country.

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