Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Operation

The operation went well on 19/11, Alhamdulillah. I checked into the hospital as instructed on 18/11 at 1400 hours. That day I only had breakfast, planning to have lunch with hubby and my little angel later at one of the restaurant near the hospital. However, once I was in the ward, I was instructed to change and that there will be no food from that moment. For reals?

This will not go well with my stomach, but no amount of reasoning with the staff got me my way, so I was without food from Sunday afternoon till the afternoon of Tuesday (20/11). Of course, I will do anything for this operation to go smooth sailing.

On Monday, very early in the morning I was given Pentaloc for my stomach and another pill to keep me calm en-route the OR. That medicine worked on me almost immediately and I don’t even remember when I was rolled in, I think the last word I remembered uttering was “where’s my husband?”.

I woke up hours later to the happy faces of hubby and my little angel and to see three pots in a row on my right arm, not mentioning the pain that was slowly inching into the body system and my brain.

Yea……………………… I’m alive, Alhamdulillah.

1 comment:

mummy-who-cooks said...

Alhamdulillah.... jangan lasak-lasak sangat ye Kak Mid. Will pray for your speedy recovery..
