First, I wanted a kitchen changed, and I was told that it would take a week to demolish, plaster, paint, install the new floor, and the new kitchen cabinet. My mighty Mario came one morning, and told us to clear the kitchen, then the back room and the hall, but what little German I know and nil English he masters, my kitchen has taken almost 2 weeks and still not complete……………… damn Mario.
Can you imagine now the kitchen, as well as the girls’ collection of clothes, shoes, books, memorabilia, nonsense and what nots are piled up on top of each other in my living. Every day I will organize things, trying to make the living as livable as possible. Honestly, it is kind of difficult, but we manage.
However, the washing machine is still not hooked up, which means for the 2 weeks, we have to send our washing to the launderette. Mind you, the laundry service here is not like what we have back home, we have to leave our laundry with the launderette and come back after half a day or the next day, and yes, believe it or not it costs 14 Euros for a 5 kg wash. So, do you think I can afford that anymore? No, I cannot, and this is the reason why mighty Mario got the rolling eyes from me yesterday.
Wait, I have not mentioned how we survive with cooking, remember we don’t have a kitchen. Thank goodness we have this single electric hotplate that hubby took with him whenever he goes on mission in Africa (kind of difficult to trust the food there, so he does his own cooking), yes we manage though it takes like forever to cook anything, but my little angle thought this is the coolest invention and she loves the hotplate.
Yesterday, the girls and me went out to fill out stomach, then Chef Diva decided that she will make pasta for dinner (strange but I have been such a pasta enthusiast, that I don’t mind pasta anytime of the day), so we went to get some stuff for her cooking. The heat is bothering my entire family here except me, I just love the summer heat, anyways, we did not venture much, and came home as soon as we were done.
Mighty Mario was gone when we arrived, but when I saw the mess he left behind, I wanted to turn him into pate immediately. This time around, I even trashed diplomacy, called his beautiful girlfriend and give her the lashing of my wrath. He does not work on a Saturday, but after the lashing he is coming back to work to complete the kitchen floor.
Oh Mario……………………… I thought you were good and I heart you, but now I would like to bottle you like a pate. Hell, you better get my kitchen done.
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