Friday, March 5, 2010

Don’t Let It Come Back To Bite Your Arse = KARMA

A couple of weeks at the end of January this year, my little angel was into the Karma factor. I am not very sure what she deduced from the meaning of karma and who introduced her to starting a believe in this, but each time we were engaged in a conversation, especially that which revolved around her schooling time, people and friends, she will unconsciously say ‘you know what they say about karma’, and I will just nod my head in understanding.

Karma is Hinduism belief in the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation. Very often people relate karma to the current situation, either to relay a message, or just a sub conscious with the hope that we are reminded not to do evil, so that evil will not befall us. But people also do good with the hope that good will come back to them in this life, so karma, therefore becomes a non incarnation annotation. It was more like a norm of daily talks, so to speak.

Why do we conveniently use the word karma, when in fact it is the teaching and belief of all human beings not to be nasty, evil and unjust to each other? Why do we need to remind each other that what goes around comes around? Are we so desperate to be given a return favor when we do something good, or are we hoping that our enemy will be punished with hellish might for all their bad deeds?

Trust yourself, stop pretending and leave the rest to the Lord.

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